Wednesday, February 1, 2017

America's Values, Soldiers, and Refugees.

Trump's showboating highlights not only his narcissism, but also a very disheartening issue I have with refugees and our military in all the chaos. Our vets, and current military, fought their asses off to afford this country the privileges many take advantage of, especially right now. Our military fights for all Americans. I get many enlist for the bonuses, such as money, housing, and a chance to travel. But each believes in what they are doing. Each supports America's core values. most American's swear they support those wonderful values and rights.

The soldiers who died today, they were fighting for the same values. Every. Single. One. of. Them! They didn't go, "Wait, the guy next to me? Did his dad or grandparents come from Syria? Cause I can't be protecting his freedom or rights then. Sorry Bob, you're on your own in the field." They fight for our values, all of us. No picking or choosing, as so many people are doing today. 

I think society forgets, most people in the United States are from immigrant ancestors who fled for protection, a better future for your family, or because they shared our core values. Many of those same people have family who have fought in the US military to protect their rights as new citizens and future citizens. No matter their birth nation or their parents birth nation.

Those rights include free speech to protest. It includes our American values to protect and help others. It includes our given right and ability to have checks and balances in the government. Their fight was, and is, for our freedom, everyone’s freedom, to pursue life, liberty, and justice. Our inalienable rights as declared in the Declaration of Independence.


The lack of understanding and compassion in so many Americans yelling that refugees, Mexicans, African Americans, anyone who is not white, have no place here and should leave is vile and disgraceful. Your ancestors didn't believe that or they wouldn't have come here. Our soldiers, government, and citizens have worked through the generations to ensure America's beliefs remain intact. Why do so many disrespect that work? Do you truly want to see a child suffer? What about those people who put their lives on the line to help our military?

I know, I know, you're saying but we have to protect our country from terrorists. The same terrorists that are lurking in every one of the 3/4 million refugees who have crossed into America since 9/11. Though, the terrorist problem is very close to home especially if we look at mass shootings, refugees are not even near the top concern, much less Muslim refugees.
So, feel free to state your hatred and fear disguised as opinions. Enjoy your pretty gated all-white community of Christians. But, remember everyone has those same rights when they come here. You cannot in good conscious morally support America, or even Christianity, while taking those same rights our soldiers fight for and ripping them away from other human beings. 

No amount of media circus, false patriotism, or distraction tactics can hide the bigotry and racism behind your true intentions. Your lack of compassion and empathy will continue to show through. The rest of us, however, will stand for America. We will #resist.

For a compilation of over 100 ways we can take action and #resist, visit my Facebook folder - Save the United States! It contains petitions, contact information for all of congress, planned marches, how to help archive, immigration information, and more.

© 2017 Melissa C. Lyons